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Christian-Adams Finds Good Role At School

Christian-Adams Finds Good Role At School Christian-Adams Finds Good Role At School

Wolf Point High School senior Avalon Christian-Adams enjoyed her first year as a member of the school’s speech and drama program.

“I liked that we were able to go places and perform for other people,” she said. “I just enjoyed seeing everybody’s faces when they got awards.”

She is glad that her friend Ryver Summers and the team’s coach Jacob Boysun encouraged her to join the program.

Christian-Adams also liked being a part of the school’s play earlier this year.

“It was fun,” she said. “We messed around backstage, but we needed to be quiet.”

She received positive feedback about her contribution. “A lot of people were happy that I was in the play,” Christian- Adams noted.

A hobby for her is art. She especially likes painting landscapes.

Her favorite class is drama.

“There’s a lot of people who are fun to talk to,” she explained.

Her favorite teacher is Boysun. “He’s funny and has a good personality.”

Christian-Adams has been attending school in Wolf Point after going to Frontier School prior to that. She says she likes the people in the area.

After high school, her plan is to get a job and start working.

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