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Bigger Sky Kids Enjoying Good Year

Bigger Sky Kids Enjoying Good Year Bigger Sky Kids Enjoying Good Year

Between preparing for Valentines Day and a new year, students of the Bigger Sky Kids had their hands busy last week.

Barbara Olson, program director, said students made valentines pillows out of fleece during instruction at the after-school program last week. In addition, cards were created to bring to either Faith Home residents or family members.

But Valentines Day wasn’t the only special time on their minds.

The Chinese New Year began during the weekend, so students were designing art based on the Chinese zodiac. This is the year of the dragon. Students also learned what Chinese zodiac year it was when they were actually born.

Olson said it has been a good school year for Bigger Sky Kids. Average attendance has been between 20 and 30 students depending on other activities scheduled. The after school program runs until 5:45 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays on the main floor of First Lutheran Church.

The hope is to add instruction for dance and sewing in the near future.

Snacks at the location usually include such favorites as pizza, sandwiches, nachos and hot dogs.

Olson said there’s still a need for adult volunteers.

For more information or to help the program, contact Olson or email info@biggerskykids. org.

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