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MonDak Cropping Seminar Set For Feb. 20

The northeast group of Montana State University (MSU) Extension Agents are planning the MonDak Cropping Seminar, formerly known as MonDak Pulse Day, for Tuesday, Feb. 20, in Wolf Point.

This event will feature a wide range of topics and a great lineup of speakers. The event will be held at the Elk’s Lodge at 304 Main St. with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. There is a $20 registration fee and lunch will be included. There will be a total of four pesticide points available during the MonDak Cropping Seminar, two available in the morning and two in the afternoon. Event sponsors are Pro-Coop Ag Center and Ag Partners, LLC.

The program will begin at 9 a.m. with Dr. Weaver, professor of entomology at MSU, presenting on Wheat Stem Sawfly Integrated Pest Management. Weaver’s research focuses on developing new techniques and tools for wheat stem sawfly management. At 10 a.m., Shelley Mills will be discussing grasshopper management, including grasshopper biology and management strategies including cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical. Mills is the agriculture agent for MSU Extension Valley County, and her areas of expertise include crop production, invasive weed management, horticulture, pesticides, beekeeping, pollinator protection and pest and plant identification.

To conclude the morning session, Tyler Tjelde will present on soybean production in the MonDak. Tjelde is an irrigation agronomist at the NDSU Williston Research and Extension Center (NDSU-WREC) where he manages the Nesson Valley Irrigation Research and Development Project 25 miles east of Williston, N.D. Tjelde has worked for NDSU- WREC for 15 years and in those 15 years has done a lot of research on soybean production and continues to see expansion of soybean acres throughout the MonDak region and the important role that they have in our cropping system. He also farms and ranches in western ND and soybeans have become an important rotational crop in his operation both irrigated and dryland.

Following lunch at 1 p.m. Charlie Lim will present on Herbicide Modes of Action and Injury to Crops. Lim is the NDSU Extension Weed Specialist at the Williston Research and Extension Center where his research is focused on weed control and integrated weed management, the mitigation of herbicide-resistant weeds, and other topics related to weeds. Wrapping up the day will be Dr. Weaver discussing Best Practices for Management of Insect Problems in Stored Grain. In addition to wheat stem sawfly, Weaver’s other key research focus is on pests of crops and stored grains.

For more information on the MonDak Cropping Seminar, contact your local MSU Extension Office; Roosevelt County 406-787-5312.

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