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Local Residents Discuss School’s Future Success

Local Residents Discuss  School’s Future Success Local Residents Discuss  School’s Future Success

With the goal of improving the Wolf Point School District, a strategic planning meeting featured school officials, teachers and community members on Tuesday, Jan. 30.

Emily Dean, director of advocacy for the Montana School Boards Association, led the sharing of ideas. One of the items was listing between three and five goals to be reached during the next 10-15 years. Dean said some of the goals might be a stretch but yet achievable.

After breaking into smaller groups and sharing ideas, the general set of goals agreed by the entire group included having student achievement, quality staff, improved infrastructure and community involvement.

Some thoughts shared included that students scored better on academic testing when there was a full teaching staff, having class advisors be with a class from kindergarten through high school, a goal of 9095 percent of children in the community be enrolled at the school and graduate, expand the amount of non-athletic activities offered to high school students, improvements to the industrial arts area and building new elementary schools.

During the mega trends analysis of the meeting, participants discussed the community’s demographics, business/economic climate, legislation/regulation, technology/ science and politics/social values.

The draft core purpose developed for the Wolf Point School District is to develop the full potential of each child while embracing our heritage, creating a culture of excellence and preparing each student for success.

Draft core values include: * High expectations/excellence: We value a culture where high expectations and excellence are embraced by all.

* Integrity/dignity: We value a culture of self-responsibility, being true to yourself, your family, our community and our heritage.

* Respect: We embrace our individuality and our diversity. We are respectful of other people and show empathy when others are facing challenges.

* Pride: We are a school and a community of great resilience, spirit and honor.

* Relationships: We value our connections to one another, the kindness we show and the thankfulness we have for one another.

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