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Hentges Wins Spelling Title

Hentges Wins Spelling Title Hentges Wins Spelling Title

Wolf Point Bee

A fifth-grade student came away with top honors from the Wolf Point spelling bee held on Thursday, Feb. 1.

Kori Hentges went through the competition’s 11 rounds without missing a word in order to earn the championship. The bee is open to students through eighth grade.

Hentges and Rhian “Miggy” Tumonong were the only two participants remaining entering the 11th round.

Chaz Kegley captured third place in the competition. He advanced as far as the seventh round.

Also qualifying for the county bee were Kellen Moran in fourth place and Anessa Summers in fifth place.

Alternates for the county bee from Wolf Point are Aurora Bighorn and Madrox Healy.

The Wolf Point bee featured 31 students. Four were out of the first round and eight others fell out in the second round.

There were still 13 contestants remaining after the third round, but six students misspelled words in the fourth round.

The county bee is scheduled to take place at Frontier School on Friday, Feb. 16.

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