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School Menus

Froid School Feb. 5: French toast sticks, omelets, go-gurts and orange juice.

Feb. 6: Tatertot casserole, buns and fruit.

Feb. 7: Chicken pot pie, veggies and dessert.

Feb. 8: Chili, cornbread, shredded cheese and fruit.

*** Culbertson School Feb. 5: Breakfast: Danish. Lunch: Chicken nuggets, carrots and peaches.

Feb. 6: Breakfast: Ham, egg, cheese croissant. Lunch: Pizza bake, salad and pineapples.

Feb. 7: Breakfast: Fruit oatmeal. Lunch: Soft tacos, refried beans and pears.

Feb. 8: Breakfast: Cheese omelets. Lunch: Chicken sandwiches, broccoli and mandarin oranges.

Feb. 9: Breakfast: Pancakes. Lunch: Hot dogs, baked beans and mixed fruit.

*** Bainville School Feb. 5: Breakfast: Tornados. Lunch: Salisbury steaks, green beans and pears.

Feb 6: Breakfast: German pancakes. Lunch: Sloppy joes, mixed veggies and mixed fruit.

Feb. 7: Breakfast: Biscuits and gravy. Lunch: Chicken tacos, peas and carrots and oranges.

Feb. 8: Breakfast: Oat bars. Lunch: Meatball subs, broccoli and bananas.

Feb. 9: Hash browns and eggs. Lunch: Goulash, corn and grapes.

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