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U.S. Attorney’s Office Rules Riediger Information Isn’t Brady Material

The U.S. Attorney’s Office was consulted on Jan. 10, regarding a letter from Roosevelt County Attorney Janet Christoffersen. The letter featured information that was provided to her, which she determined was Giglio/ Brady material against Fort Peck tribal narcotics officer Jonah Riediger.

After reviewing the information, the U.S. Attorney’s Office notified the Fort Peck Tribes Department of Law and Justice Chief of Police Lewis Matthews in writing that the information provided to them is not considered Giglio/Brady material.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office will continue to use Riediger as a witness in present and future cases unless, in an unforeseen circumstance, further information is provided that would be deemed Giglio/Brady material.

According to the International Association of Chiefs of Police, a Giglio or Brady list contains the names and details of law enforcement officers who have had sustained incidents of untruthfulness, criminal convictions, candor issues or some other type of issue placing their credibility into question.

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