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Polio Campaign

~ ~ 75 Years Ago ~ ~

January 20, 1949

The Eastern Roosevelt County “Polio Drive Campaign” started this week after a dinner meeting of the various community chairmen at the Glacier Cafe in Culbertson. The dinner was sponsored by the Culbertson Lion’s Club, Community chairmen at the meeting were: Art Swanson, Froid; William Riggs, McCabe; John Simard, Bainville; Lyle Sorby, Culbertson. Chairmen not able to attend is Louis Samuelsen, Brockton. County committee member of the drive present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gillette, Jack Loucks, Mrs. Knapp and Mr. Cowan.

The County Committee reported that present county funds have been lowered to 2,282. The principal expenditure last year was the direct aid to two polio patients. “It is necessary that Roosevelt Co. go over the top again this year in raising money to fight the dreaded disease. People must be urged to contact their community chairman and give freely to the cause.”

The plan to raise the most money will be the usual solicitation work. Other events planned for raising funds are a Bingo game at Froid, Independent Basketball Quicky Tournament at Culbertson, March of Dimes Ball at Froid, and March of Dimes dance at the State Line.

The Searchlight was among the oldest publications in eastern Montana. It served as the newspaper of record for Culbertson from 1902-2019, when it was replaced by the Community News. Both publications are owned locally by the Downs family.

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