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College News

Montana State University has announced its undergraduate honor rolls for fall semester 2023. There are two MSU honor roll lists: the president’s list and the dean’s list.

Students with a 4.0 GPA for the semester were named to the president’s list. An asterisk follows their names below. The dean’s list includes the students earning GPAs of 3.5 or above for the semester.

Area students include: Wolf Point: Doriane Keiser,* Josette Kolstad and Tyson Weeks.

Poplar: Michael Eylander* Froid: Carolyne Christoffersen and Paige Robertson.

Dickinson State University recognized 385 students for their academic achievements during the fall semester. A total of 174 students were named to the president’s list, while an additional 211 students were named to the dean’s list.

To qualify for the president’s list, eligible students must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours with a term GPA of 3.9 or above. An asterisk follows their names. To qualify for the dean’s list, eligible students must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours with a term GPA of 3.5 or above.

Wolf Point: Nickolas Page,* Jewel Olson,* Kori Nagel,* Tori Nygard, Kaholo Toves.

Froid: Baylee Davidson*. Nashua: Tia Dees*. Culbertson: Makena Hauge.

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