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Senior Profile Parenteau Looks For Good Senior Year In Froid

Senior Profile Parenteau Looks For Good Senior Year In Froid Senior Profile Parenteau Looks For Good Senior Year In Froid

Froid High School student Ali Parenteau keeps busy in a variety of areas as one of the members of the school’s senior class.

Her activities include volleyball, Business Professionals of America, choir and Explore America.

She especially enjoyed playing volleyball. “I liked all the fun we had on the court,” Parenteau said.

In BPA, she enjoyed speaking in front of the judges on random topics. She remembered one subject being technology and schools.

Choir is a favorite for Parenteau because of road trips including the district competition in Culbertson and the state meet held in Billings.

She noted that Froid’s students usually earn “I’s” at music competitions. Being part of a women’s ensemble was a highlight for her.

Her favorite class is forensics where she likes doing case studies.

Parenteau’s favorite teacher is Michael Reiter. “He makes the class enjoyable,” Parenteau said.

She likes the small size and the students in Froid. Her goals for the rest of the year include paying better attention and to finish the year strong. “I get distracted,” she said.

After high school, Parenteau plans to study pre-nursing at Williston State College.

“I like working with people,” she said.

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