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Marijuana Sales Remain Steady In County

Cannabis sales in Roosevelt County have dipped in September and October after being $407,433 during the month of August, according to figures from the Montana Department of Revenue.

Sales in September were $283,005 for adult use and $364,008 total. The total figures translates to $12,133 spent daily in the county.

The total sales number increase slightly to $378,125 during October. That total figures translates to $12,197 spent daily in Roosevelt County.

Richland County spent $989,674 on cannabis sales during September and $908,328 in October.

Valley County had $146,161 in sales during October and $152,778 in September.

The counties with the most sales in the state for October were Yellowstone at $4,396,462, Gallatin at $4,200,827 and Missoula at $3,207,995. Monthly sales for the state were $570,657,982 in October compared to $544,397,444 in September and $516,237,988 in August.

The 20 percent Adult-Use Cannabis Tax and 4 percent Medical Marijuana tax are distributed at the state level in the following manner:

•$6 million to the Healing and Ending Addiction through Recovery and Treatment account established in 16-12-122, MCA.

After the HEART distribution, the remainder goes to:

•20 percent to Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks to be used solely as funding for wildlife habitat.

•4 percent to the state park account.

•4 percent to the trails and recreational facilities account.

•4 percent to the nongame wildlife account.

•3 percent or $200,000, whichever is less, to the veterans and surviving spouses state special revenue account.

•$150,000 to the board of crime control to fund crisis intervention team training.

•The remainder to the general fund.

Voters in Roosevelt County approved 3 percent taxes for medical and “adult-use” sales during elections held in 2022. Funds from the taxes will be split with 50 percent going to the county, 5 percent to the state and the rest divided among the cities.

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