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Froid Council Swears In Labatte, Strandlund

The Froid Town Council held its regular meeting Dec. 20. The full council was in attendance. Following roll call, visitors were recognized, with one local resident in attendance.

Oaths of office were administered to council members Gregg Labatte and Gale Strandlund, who were re-appointed to their positions.

The American Rescue Plan Act project report included updates on repairs to curb stops, manholes and sewer line inspection by Pace Construction. Repair work on the town hall roof is at the top of a priority list for funding from House Bill 355. Sewer system repairs may also be included in the project list once the system report is back from Pace Construction.

Water, sewer and garbage accounts receivables were reviewed by the council.

The next regular council meeting is set for Jan. 8 at 6:30 p.m.

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