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Culbertson Chamber Elects Hendrickson, Newman

The Culbertson Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture held its quarterly meeting Dec. 5 at the town hall. In attendance: Jaimee Green, Wayne Hendrickson, Ken Forbregd, Tessa Rumsey, Nicole Simonson, Terri Merrill, James Walling, Laurie Pearson and Chris Newman. No guests were present.

Hendrickson called the meeting to order at 3:38 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

A funding request was made by Culbertson School to cover the expense of hosting the divisional speech and drama meet. Green motioned to provide up to $200 to provide snacks and drinks in the volunteer hospitality room. The motion passed. Hendrickson noted the Chamber always requests items be purchased in town through local businesses when funding is provided by the Chamber.

The yearly slate of community events was reviewed and discussed. The Roosevelt Memorial Healthcare Foundation hosted its Fall Fest “Comedy Night” Oct. 7. Green reported that the event raised over $37,000. During this time, she also provided the hospital report. In it, she mentioned Roosevelt Medical Center has a new physical therapy provider.

Other events discussed included the Parade of Lights, Women’s Club Santa Day and the Opportunity Bank Open House.

Hendrickson noted he has been keeping track of an increase in attendance to Chamber meetings. Attendance has consistently included between seven to nine members, up considerable from previous meeting attendance.

The treasurer’s report was provided by Pearson and approved by the council. A total of $3,706.92 is in the budget. Minutes from the Sept. 14 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Organization reports were provided by the city of Culbertson (Merril), the school (Simonson) and Ike’s Pond (Forbregd).

Forbregd presented the Chamber members with a potential project to for enhancing tourism. While he is still gathering information from the Montana Department of Commerce and Tourism, he emphasized the importance of the Chamber working to put Culbertson more forward-facing in tourism to bring dollars to the area. Board members agreed on its’ importance.

Hendrickson expressed interest in once again having four elected officers which includes: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Pearson nominated Green to continue to serve as secretary. Simonson nominated Pearson to continue to serve as treasurer. Pearson nominated Newman to serve as vice president and Rumsey nominated Hendrickson to continue to serve as president. All motions passed.

The next Culbertson Chamber meeting is set for March 7 at 3:30 p.m. at town hall.

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