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Trustees Decide On Testing Stipends

The Wolf Point School board discussed again whether to provide a stipend to school principals for conducting testing during its meeting on Monday, Dec. 11. The stipends have been $5,000 for the previous few years.

“I want to put this one to rest once and for all,” superintendent David Perkins said of the topic.

He doesn’t feel enough information has been provided to explain how much time the testing takes away from the principals’ work day. He feels the work doesn’t justify a $5,000 stipend.

He noted school officials have gotten caught up in spending money for extra jobs and that can’t always be done.

Perkins said that trustees could agree on a compromise figure for a stipend and then wait until additional help, such as deans of students, is hired.

Trustee Mark Zilkoski made the motion to pay $2,500 and research the matter more when changes are made. Trustee Keith Higgins seconded the motion. Trustee Michael Turcotte argued that principals perform a lot of hard work and have a lot of responsibilities. He said they need to be compensated for their work.

Northside principal Georgie Gourneau said that she works more hours than what her contract describes and that all principals assist supervising at games now.

Board chair Roxanne Gourneau noted that the school district needs to hire a curriculum director.

Trustees approved the motion for a $2,500 stipend by a 3-1 margin with Turcotte voting against.

Hired during the meeting were Kendra Hawk as Southside EAE teacher, Cassie Clampitt as junior high/high school paraprofessional, Emily Hamilton and Sonya Smoker as Northside after-school tutors and Mario Dulohan Jr. as Northside assistant custodian.

Jeff McMorris was hired as FFA advisor. Other extra-curricular hires were Amanda Campbell, Daryl Ricker and Michael Escarcega for Lil Wolves’ basketball and Mason Garfield for volunteer high school wrestling coach.

Perkins provided to trustees a list of open positions in the district. Teaching positions included elementary, Native American studies, elementary physical education and strength training.

Activities director Eric Peterson reported to trustees that the track and field complex is showing its age in the 25 years since construction. The football field has many dips and ground has become extremely hard.

Southside principal Tara Thomas provided a schedule for the after- school program that will begin in January. The school is working with the Roosevelt County Library for grade level tours of the library.

Gourneau reported that Patricia Payne has been working on the Indian Education for All curriculum. The fourth and fifth grade worked on Buffalo Unity and the sixth grade completed a thematic unit on the Into The West series.

Junior high school principal Dan Horsmon said the student council is developing a plan to have a junior high cafe. The students placed at the Festival of Trees this year.

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