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Christmas Joy, Marketing Ploy

‘Twas the season of cheer, or so we’re told, When companies grind, their marketing bold.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that consumers soon would be there.

Ads filled the airwaves, oh what a sight!

“Buy now, don’t wait, for Christmas delight!”

From gadgets to gizmos, and toys by the ton, They touted their wares, each and every one.

Santa’s workshop seemed outdated, you see, When compared to the rush of online shopping spree.

The elves were now Amazon employees, with Prime on the go, Promoting the latest, in a commercial flow.

“Get festive with discounts, sales galore, ‘Tis the reason for the season!” they’d implore.

The North Pole’s magic, though sweet and serene, Couldn’t compete with the marketing machine.

But amidst the chaos of corporate jive, Families gathered, their spirits alive.

For Christmas Cheer, in truth, wasn’t bought, It was in laughter, love, and the joy it brought.

So amidst the ads and the holiday fuss, Remember the heart of what matters to us.

Christmas Cheer isn’t about what they spout, It’s the warmth of our hearts, without a doubt!

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