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School Menus

Frontier School Dec. 18: Spaghetti with meat sauce, fruits and veggies.

Dec. 19: Cheesy chicken hotdish, fruits and veggies.

Dec. 20: Ham patties, scalloped potatoes, fruits and veggies.

Dec. 21: No school. *** Wolf Point School Dec. 18: Breakfast: Fruity Pebbles and apples. Lunch: Smothered burritos and mixed fruit.

Dec. 19: Breakfast: Breakfast pizza and oranges. Lunch: Chili, cheese, crackers, cinnamon rolls, applesauce and cauliflower.

Dec. 20: Breakfast: Cocoa Krispies and bananas. Lunch: Hot dogs, french fries, salad, celery and pears.

Dec. 21: Breakfast: Pancake sausage wraps and apples. Lunch: Pizza, salad, carrots, broccoli and pineapple. Lustre School Dec. 18: Nachos. Dec. 19: Chicken nuggets. Dec. 20-22: No school.

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