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Froid’s Parks Enjoys After-school Work With Restaurant Assignments

Froid High School senior Karli Parks’ face may look familiar to many area residents. Maybe they have even experienced a friendly visit with her as she brings them a meal.

Parks keeps busy during after- school hours working as a waitress at The Honker Pit in Medicine Lake.

“I feel my work ethic is really good,” Parks said of the job. “I want to be a cosmetologist so it’s important to work hard.”

As a waitresses, she loves to talk with the different customers. She has worked at The Honker Pit for two years. “I talk like a chatterbox,” she laughed.

Although she might be an expert of which menu selections are the best, she doesn’t personally have a favorite.

“It’s all so good,” Parks said. “It’s hard to choose.”

At school, her favorite class is accounting.

“It’s stuff you will need every day in life,” she explained.

Her favorite teacher is Kaitlyn Dahlberg.

“She’s such a sweetheart,” Parks said. “She always pushes me to succeed.”

Parks has attended school in Froid since the third grade.

“The staff here is so friendly, it’s like family,” Parks said. “It’s just a great school.”

After school, she will attend the AVEDA Institute in Billings. She wants to be a full cosmetologist. “I want to do everything,” she noted.

Parks said she likes Froid, but she is leaning to working in Las Vegas when the time comes. “I love the atmosphere. I think I could do some crazy hair styles there,” she said.

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