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Residents Provide Input About Library

Wolf Point residents provided input regarding the Roosevelt County Library during a public meeting held on Tuesday, Nov. 28. Suzanne Reymer, statewide consulting librarian, and Pam Henley, statewide consulting librarian from the Montana State Library, led the discussion.

Reymer explained that information obtained will be provided to Roosevelt County to assist with a strategic plan. Similar meetings were held in Froid, Culbertson and Poplar.

Reymer and Henley asked the more than 15 audience members to provide a list of challenges facing the library and the Wolf Point community.

Input regarding challenges included addiction, homelessness, being rural, declining business environment, awareness of the library, high crime rate, lack of housing and low parental involvement.

“Opportunities” listed by audience members were being a small community, good volunteers and service clubs, the Fort Peck Community College, the Bigger Sky Kids program, food pantry, recreation, senior center, job service, local media, museum and Great Northern Development Corp.

Reymer and Henley asked audience members how the library can help or be involved with the challenges or opportunities.

Comments included possible involvement with after- school programs and having opportunities on Fridays. Internet access is also a benefit. Discussion included a mentoring program and additional adult programming.

When asked to develop a wish list, suggestions included an elevator, a changing table in the restroom, study rooms, a kitchen for cooking classes, improve the library’s visuality, programming for teens, a bookmobile, heated sidewalks and a large screen for watch parties.

“All communities want space to get together and want to be together,” Reymer said of the desire for watch parties.

Reymer said she will compile the information and then work with the library board so a strategic plan can be developed.

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