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Culbertson Coldest Spot in Nation As Mercury Hits -17

Culbertson had the distinction of being the coldest spot in the United States Tuesday when the mercury dropped to 17 below zero. The weather bureau of Williston reported that it was the coldest with a mere seven below, but according to W. A. Whitcomb, local weatherman, Culbertson’s temperature had their low beat by 10 degrees.

The difference came because, although Culbertson has official thermometers, Mr. Whitcomb is not authorized to report by wire the daily readings. Hence Williston reported their low by wire, but Culbertson, although lower, did not report. Although the low of minus 17 was recorded, the temperature moderated during the day and got above the zero mark. The coldest recorded on that day was at the Yukon in Alaska which recorded 67 below.

A light blanket of snow covers the ground here and a fine snow is falling at this writing Wednesday afternoon.

The Searchlight was among the oldest publications in eastern Montana. It served as the newspaper of record for Culbertson from 1902-2019, when it was replaced by the Community News. Both publications are owned locally by the Downs family.

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