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Students Entertain With School Play

Students Entertain With School Play Students Entertain With School Play

The Wolf Point High School drama department delighted audiences with two performances last week.

Students acted in Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Barbary Coast on Monday, Nov. 13, and Tuesday, Nov. 14.

Ryan Schumacher was the lead in the performance, portraying Sweeney Todd.

The cast also featured Audrey Weinberger as Mrs. Lovett, Dante’ Dionne as Billy, Elliauna Ryan as Lily Fairoak, Ryver Summers as Widow Fairoak, Kailayla Villaluz as Minnie, Cole Boysun as Sailor Tom, Tavian Bell as Brooklyn Jake, Chase Adams as Mr. Scruples, Quiarrah Rios as Mrs. Meanly, Del Eymnard as Barnacle, Maya Deserly as Mrs. Worthy, Nora Hansen as Mrs. Noble, Kaleah White Bear as Rose, Francis Good Track as Belle, Jacob Lien as the Honorable Mr. Chang, Aydyn Azure as policeman, Reilly Rees as inspector, Avalon Christian Adams as prisoner and Cloe Imus as matron.

Jacob Boysun was the director of the presentation. Walker Harmon served as assistant student director.

Jacob Boysun explained that the showings were on a Monday and Tuesday night this year in order to avoid conflicts with other school and community activities.

The drama club paid to have costume rentals for the production.

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