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Did you know?

Did you know? Did you know?

Christmas trees are a key component of many people’s holiday season. It’s a family tradition to choose (or take out) the tree each year and then adorn it with ornaments, tinsel, family mementos, and a beautiful tree topper. In regard to tree toppers, most people fasten the top bough with an angel or a star. The first tree toppers were the infant Jesus, but toppers are now available in other options symbolic of the Nativity of Jesus.

The star refers to the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the Magi to the birthplace of Jesus. The angel represents the messengers of God as well as the Angel Gabriel, who visited Mary to share the news that she would be giving birth to the Son of God. People can choose whichever topper they prefer, but many refer to the religious significance of Christmas.

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