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Libraries To Hold Community Meetings

Libraries To Hold Community Meetings Libraries To Hold Community Meetings

Libraries in Roosevelt County will hold four separate community dialogues to discuss ideas and suggestions related to libraries and goals for the future of the libraries in the county.

These forums are required before the Roosevelt County trustees can proceed with a strategic plan. This plan is a requirement of the State Library Standards in order to receive coal tax funding.

Suzanne Reymer, statewide consulting librarian, and Pam Henley, statewide consulting librarian from the Montana State Library, will lead the discussion and answer questions. Input from people of all ages is very important to help in developing this longrange plan to benefit all residents of Roosevelt County. A library card is not necessary to take part in the discussion.

The library encourages every resident from community members, elected officials, business owners, community organizations, non-profit organizations, school students, teachers and school administrators, Friends of the Library and service agencies to help by sharing their ideas and thoughts to meet the growing needs of the diverse population served. Non-users of the library are especially welcome for their input and ideas.

The first planning session will be held at Froid Library on Monday, Nov. 27, at 1 p.m., refreshments will be served.

Later the same day, at 4 p.m,. the second session will be held at Culbertson Library with soup and sandwiches being served.

The third planning session will be held at the James E. Shanley Tribal Library in Poplar on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at noon with a lunch being served.

Also on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 5 p.m., the final session will be held at the Senior Citizen Center in Wolf Point with a light meal being served.

The library encourages residents of all ages to attend in a show of their support of the libraries.

Non-users of the library are especially welcome for their input and ideas.

Area residents can attend any or all of the sessions that are convenient for them.

For questions or input, contact Janet Livingston at 406-653-2411.

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