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Perry Grey Bull

Perry Lee Grey Bull, 70, died Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023, in Billings.

He was born May 17, 1953, to Matthew K. Grey Bull and Irene Ireland in Fort Yates, N.D. He was raised by his grandmother Elizabeth Grey Bull and later on by Viola Spotted Bird.

He graduated in 1972 from Brockton High School.

He married Maxine Grant and they had two sons, Royce and Travis Grey Bull. They lived in Poplar for a number of years and later moved to Billings, where he lived until his death.

He was a Native American instructor at Billings Schools. He and Maxine had raised two girls, Ariel and Tiffany Yolonda Walking Eagle of Billings.

He is survived by his son, Royce Grey Bull; sisters, Ernestine Ireland, Verdis Grey Bull, Charlene Drum, all of Poplar, Lorna Drum and the matriarch of the Spotted Bird family Doris Spotted Bird, both of Brockton; brothers,

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