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Optimist Club Offers Halloweenie

For the last several years, the Optimist Club of Wolf Point has been conducting Halloweenie. The event will again be offered this Halloween.

Club members feel that Halloween means a sugar high for many youth. The Optimists feel the children should have a meal before they start to trick or treat and collect a bag full of candy.

Halloweenie will take place at the Catholic stand on Main Street, starting at 4:30 p.m. on Halloween. Sack lunches of a hot dog, chips, cookies and bottle of water will be served.

The event started out as a youth-only project and has now become a family activity. It’s great to see families come together for this event.

Last year, the club served 400 hot dog sack lunches in 64 minutes.

This year, the club has ordered supplies for 500 lunches.

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