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Gun Owners’ Privacy Act Introduced

Last week, Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) introduced the Protecting Gun Owners’ Privacy Act. The Protecting Gun Owners’ Privacy Act would remove personal information from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms’ Form 4473 and require federal agencies to go through the ATF when requesting access to a Federal Firearms Licensee’s Form 4473.

In June 2023, 20-armed Internal Revenue Service and ATF agents raided Highwood Creek Outfitters in Great Falls, confiscating the store’s 4473 forms. Rep. Rosendale’s bill would help prevent raids like this by requiring federal agencies to go through the ATF to request the forms and prohibit the seizure and mass storage of lawful gun owners’ personal information.

“Congressman Rosendale’s bill will ensure that the personal information of gun buyers does not end up in a government database, which would be ripe for abuse in the future,” said Tim Macy, chairman of Gun Owners of America.

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