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Playground Well Received At Park

Playground Well Received At Park Playground Well Received At Park

Borge Park

The Wolf Point Lions Club and community members could certainly see their investment in a new playground at Borge Park paid off this summer.

“It’s been used a ton,” Wolf Point’s recreation director Dan Horsmon said.

He noted the entire playground was utilized a good amount, but especially the middle area, this summer.

“Everything is painted there and it really looks nice,” Horsmon said.

The Wolf Point Lions Club’s members began conversations to start the project of raising funds for much-needed new playground equipment for the park about four years ago.

Some of the larger contributions included $20,000 from the Wolf Point Community Organization, $10,000 from the city of Wolf Point and $10,000 from Agland.

A total of $69,100 was received in donations.

“Thanks to the Lions Club for all of the help for collecting the money for it,” Horsmon said.

A dedication ceremony for the playground was held at the park last August.

“It’s been used quite a bit,” Wolf Point Lions Club president Dave Fyfe said. “I’m happy with it. We needed to replace the old equipment.”

Gary Johnson, treasurer for the Lions Club, said that all the club’s members are extremely pleased with the amount that the new playground is being used by area children.

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