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Bigger Sky Kids Program Seeking Adult Volunteers

By Bill Vander Weele

As the start of the school year approaches, organizers for Bigger Sky Kids are hoping additional volunteers step up to assist the popular after-school program.

“We’re always looking for adult volunteers,” Barb Olson, program director, said. “If there are activities and skills they would like to share, just let us know.”

Bigger Sky Kids, which started in 2017, will begin offering this year’s program during the first week of October. The afterschool program runs until 5:45 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays on the main floor of First Lutheran Church.

“All volunteers need is to like children and be patient,” Olson said.

She is hopeful that some community- minded businesses allow employees to spend some time volunteering at the program while on the clock.

“The more involved in a community, the stronger the community is,” Olson said.

The program is excited that artist Cathryn McIntyre will again provide art instruction through a grant from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation.

Instruction include water colors, acrylic art and weaving. Students had 16 paintings at the recent Roosevelt County Fair.

Olson says students will love to have more musical instruction especially guitar and keyboard.

“There’s a lot of interest in that,” Olson said.

It would also be beneficial to have cooking lessons offered again.

Goals of the program include helping students: explore and express their creativity through visual arts, music, dance, drama and more; experience domestic arts such as cooking, sewing, and gardening; and acquire computer literacy and other life skills.

“We’re always looking for new ideas for arts and other activities,” Olson said.

There will be Native American dance classes for girls starting this fall.

For more information, email or contact Olson.

“We’re excited to hit the ground running,” Olson said of this year’s program.

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