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Agreement Approved Between Tribes, County Detention Center

Roosevelt County Commissioners approved a new memorandum of understanding between the county and Fort Peck Tribes regarding use of the county’s detention center.

Under the new MOU, the county will provide 10 beds as available for use by the Fort Peck Tribes Adult Corrections Department to house adult prisoners at the county detention center. There should be no more than 10 total tribal inmates at one time unless approved by the sheriff.

The tribes agree to pay for up to 10 beds, only if used. The county may, in consultation with the tribes, choose to use one or more of the 10 beds allocated by the tribes.

Under the agreement, the tribes agree to pay the county $82 per day for each prisoner housed.

Commissioners said the old agreement was for 20 beds instead of 10 beds.

If the space is needed, the 10 cells might not be available for tribal inmates.

“It’s kind of on a first-come, firstserved bases,” Commissioner Robert Toavs said.

Commissioners approved the oneyear agreement by a 3-0 margin.

Also during the weekly meeting on July 18, commissioners approved a new salary scale for new hires on the lowest level positions. Commissioners hope the change will make the positions more attractive to potential employees.

Commissioners approved the renewal agreement with TQN Consulting as an independent consultant for the treasurer’s office.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, a resident questioned why a relative received a letter from the county attorney regarding yard clean-up. Wolf Point Mayor Chris Dschaak, who was in the audience, noted many letters are sent out after receiving recommendations from the police department.

Commissioners Gary Macdonald and Gordon Oelkers questioned why the county attorney was dealing with the issue instead of city attorneys. Dschaak said he would talk with the resident about her concern after the meeting.

Pay raises were approved for library employees Sheila Dunn, Heather Granbois and Sheri Harvey, Aging department employee Diane Lambert and clerk of courts employee Teresa Romo. Michael Ellerton was promoted to the rank of sergeant for the sheriff’s office.

Commissioners approved the hiring of Robert Christoffersen for the road department in the Bainville area.

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