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Lustre News

Lustre News Lustre News

Beacon Bible Camp’s annual meeting was held Sunday, June 18, at 4:30 p.m. Board chairman is Dan Marasco. Reports were given by Pastor Mike Kauffield, Dawson Olfert and Dan Marasco, the directors for senior, junior and junior high camps respectively. The camp was full again this Sunday.

The secretary and treasurer, and a trustee’s reports were given. The shade pavilion is complete. Many helped with camp clean-up and Ron Olfert and crew finished the pavilion. Joel Hilkemann was elected to the camp board as a trustee representing the Gospel Fellowship Church. Mike Kauffield announced his retirement from senior high camp director, which was held already.

Pastor Frank Lenihan spoke at the memorial service for Harvey Fast at the Lustre MB Church on Saturday, June 17. He said “Harvey had a daily practice of reading Our Daily Bread, a small devotional” and he read June 5 at the family’s request. It was based on Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything.” Lenihan talked of the seasons of a person’s life. “Each season is finite and will pass. Harvey was interested in seeding, planting, harvesting, selling and eating bread or what was made with wheat. The fact that the Lord over time, past, present and future, the all powerful, amazingly stoops to listen to our prayers, and as a father, provides home, shelter, food and obligates Himself toward His Creation is an example of Divine Greatness.” “Wintering is a term used to describe the way plants rest in the cold seasons. There is a time for rest for people too, and a time for a new season to be entered into when those who long for Jesus’ return will have rewards and a place prepared.”

He compared it to preparing rooms at graduation for company and anticipating their arrival with great joy. “Harvey gets to have ‘Facetime’ with Jesus in his new season of living.” He encouraged those attending that the best seasons of our lives are still to come, for those “in Christ”. He talked of Harvey being a man of prayer, forward thinking, and often tried innovative things.

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