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Commissioners Plan Public Hearing In Brockton June 26

The Roosevelt County commissioners have scheduled a public hearing regarding public input on accepting roads to become public roads.

Commissioners have set the meeting for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 26, at the school administrative office in Brockton.

Commissioners note that this will be the first meeting on the reservation regarding the county-wide effort to recognize roads as public roads.

Roads to be discussed include 2054, 1030, 1032, 2050 and 1036.

Commissioner Gary Macdonald said meetings with the Fort Peck Tribes and Bureau of Indian Affairs have been positive regarding the process.

“I think we’re on the same page,” commissioner Gordon Oelkers added.

Oelkers noted that packets will be mailed to landowners that the county can identify.

Also during the commissioners’ meeting on June 6, commissioners approved the lone bid from Northeast Montana Health Services for home delivered meals in Wolf Point and Poplar. The bid was $14.94 for meals and $4.50 for delivery. The bid for meals is a 3 percent increase from $14.

The service currently involves seven recipients in Wolf Point. In order to qualify to the meals, individuals must go through their medical provider.

Commissioners approved $3,585 to purchase controls for the Brockton sewer lift station. The fee doesn’t include installation charges.

Gretchen Wagner was appointed to the library board.

Hired were Brittany Deavila to the treasurer’s office and Makai Poser to the weed district.

Pay raises were approved for road department employee Ryan Lambert and sheriff’s office employee Joseph Reinhart.

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