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Applications Sought For Upland Game Bird Council

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking to fill two vacancies on an advisory council that provides ongoing monitoring of upland game bird enhancement program activities. Council members represent all FWP administrative regions and include upland game bird hunters, chamber of commerce memberships, upland game bird biologists and others who have conservation interests.

For one appointment, the council member must be residing in FWP Region 5. The second council member will be a member of a Chamber of Commerce. Businesses whose clientele include upland game bird hunters or landowners involved with conservation activities that benefit upland game birds are preferred.

Council members will be appointed by FWP Director Dustin Temple to participate in two meetings a year. Members will be asked to contribute to additional discussions throughout a two- or fouryear term.

To apply, visit FWP’s website at and search “Upland Game Bird Advisory Council.” Paper applications are available upon request by calling 406-444-5674. Nominations must be submitted by June 23.

The next council meeting will be held in Baker on Sept. 18 and 19.

For more information, call Debbie Hohler at 406-4445647, or send an email to

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