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Seniors Meals Being Impacted

Culbertson Senior Citizens president Sharon Matney told the

Community News that changes following the end of state and federal pandemic funding have left some area residents in a tight spot.

New guidelines restrict the group from delivering meals to area seniors. Club members able to attend the in-person congregate meal service will be unaffected, but some of the more isolated, injured or immobilized individuals could be left without support.

Roosevelt County Aging Services department head Julie Bach said there is a separate program via Roosevelt Medical Center offering delivery and added that other programs offering frozen meals are being considered.

Matney said congregate meals are an opportunity for the seniors in the community to care for one another and check in on each other’s well being. Area seniors have also complained about the quality of RMC delivered meals.

For more information, call Matney at 406-581-7180.

For information about applying to the RMC delivery program, call Bach at 406-653-6221.

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