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County Commissioners Announce Public Hearing

Roosevelt County commissioners approved a resolution for a public hearing regarding accepting roads to become public roads during their weekly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 28. The hearing is scheduled for Monday, March 20, starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Roosevelt County building in Culbertson.

Roads to be discussed include Road 2049, Road 2051, Road 2053, Road 1020, Road 2058, Road 1021, Road 1020, Road 2059, Road 1022, Road 2060, Road 2059, Road 2055, Road 2044, Road 2043, Road 2048 and Road 1017.

An item to appoint Robert Toavs to the tax appeal board was removed because it was discovered that commissioners can’t serve on the board. Currently on the board are Clayton Vine and Bill Juve.

Commissioners accepted with regret the resignation of Justice of the Peace employee Jerri Grimsrud. She has served in the office for 14 years.

Reappointed to the weed district board were Scott Toavs and Gary Hanson.

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