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Lustre School Announces Re-Entry Plan

The Lustre Schools released their fall re-entry plan last week. “The objectives of our school re-entry plan for this fall are to prevent the spread of the virus among our students, staff and community members, while maintaining a direct instructional delivery, so that our children can enjoy the benefits of a quality education that our students have enjoyed for generations,” read the notice.

The information provided by Lustre Schools is as follows: Health Monitoring

Students, staff and visitors to our schools will be asked to evaluate their physical health. If an individual feels ill or demonstrates any viral symptoms, they should voluntarily refrain from attending classes or visiting the school. Anyone having contact with a person testing positive for the Covid virus should obtain a test for themselves and self-quarantine until they test negative for the virus.

Bus students will be temperature scanned before loading and not allowed to ride the bus if their temperature is 100.4° or higher. Day students will be temperature scanned upon entering their school. Students with 100.4° or higher temperatures will return home until they are symptom free. Parents and guests entering our schools will be temperature scanned. Any person with 100.4° or higher temperature will be gently reminded to return home, until they are symptom free. High school students will be temperature scanned as they leave their building for lunch at the elementary school and will be asked to remain at the high school if their temperature is 100.4° or higher and then asked to return home. Students that develop symptoms during the day will be isolated from other students, until a safe ride home can be arranged. The usage of masks during the school day is mandatory at this time.

Social Distancing

We will practice social distancing during all phases of the daily educational process. All students will be assigned seats during their bus ride to school. Students from the same family will be required to sit in the same area during their bus ride. Seating will be arranged in classes to maximize distance between students. Lunchroom seating will follow distancing suggestions to the best of our ability, relative to space and number of students eating. Students on bus rides to sporting events or other activities will follow distancing protocols during the ride to and from their destination. Masks will be provided to members of our school population on request. Mask usage is mandatory at this time.


Desks and touch surfaces will be cleaned at the end of each class and the school will be thoroughly cleaned each night before classes begin the next day. Buses will be cleaned on a daily basis. Students are required to bring personal water bottles to meet their hydration needs and drinking directly from the water fountain will be discouraged. Hand washing will be taught, demonstrated, encouraged and mandated by teachers and other staff members during the school day.

In the event of a positive test for the Covid virus by any member of the school, the school will be shut down that day. The school will be deep cleaned that evening and reopened the following morning for classes. Equipment and chemical cleaners known to eliminate the virus will be used in the deep cleaning effort to make the school safe to attend the following day. Students in a classroom with a positive, identified Covid case will have to test negative, before returning to school.

Any person that tests positive from the schools will be asked to leave the school and self-quarantine until they test negative for the virus. Students will continue with their classwork via distance learning protocols, while at home recovering from their illness.

Sports And Activities

We will follow the guidelines determined by MHSA for all competitions, activities and events. Games, concerts, special programs and celebrations are included.

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