Fish Pond Project Receives Grant Funding
Office Of Tourism Partners With Town
The community fishing pond project in Culbertson has received another boost of funding. Culbertson Mayor Larry Crowder received a letter signed by Governor Steve Bullock dated Dec. 19 stating, “On behalf of the State of Montana, it is my pleasure to inform you that the Town of Culbertson is awarded a Tourism Grant of $58,967 through the Montana Office of Tourism and Business Development at the Department of Commerce. Partnerships such as this are key to growing Montana’s economy. Projects funded through the Tourism Grant Program create and enhance economic development for one of Montana’s leading industries. With this in mind, I’d like to personally thank the Town of Culbertson for partnering with the State of Montana. Again, congratulations, and good luck on the successful completion of your project.”
Lions Club member and project chair Ken Forbregd said, “Santa Claus came through with a nice little gift for our fish pond.”
Leona Colvin assisted in writing the grant.
The 6½-acre project site is located within Culbertson city limits along U.S. Hwy. 2 just west of town.
In June, the Community News reported Forbregd as counting $12,500 in grant funding from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Park and another $12,000 in Lions funds. The Lions have been spearheading the project for more than five years. The goal of the project is to provide a safe, convenient public fishing pond close to Culbertson.
According to Forbregd, plans for 2020 construction include a well with a solar pump. He said Agri Industries, Inc., out of Williston, N.D., will be building well/pump combination. Funds from the FWP grant will be used for that purpose.
WWC Engineering out of Helena is working on a flood plain permit for the project and a permit for a bridge donated by the Roosevelt County Commissioners.
Forbregd added that applications are going out for grant funding cycles beginning in January. He mentioned Culbertson Area Community Foundation and Walleyes Unlimited as two potential partners for additional funding.
To make a donation or to learn more about the project, contact Forbregd at 406-480-4795.